The Sofrito Project

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Soft Scrambled Eggs

This is going to be more of cooking technique post rather than a recipe, because I think that everyone should know how to make some very good scrambled eggs. They’re quick, easy, and super delicious with breakfast, on a solid sandwich, or for dinner with fried rice.

Low heat, a non-stick pan, and a tiny bit of patience are going to be your friends here because you don’t want any brown on the eggs or to overcook them. To know how serious I am about this, be aware that I have converted all of my hard-scrambled egg loving friends (why this was ever an actual thing, I don’t know) with this method. Ha! So, let’s get cooking!

Soft Scrambled Eggs

Serves: 2

Cook time: 5 minutes

6 large eggs, beaten

1-2 tbsp water

1 tbsp butter

Kosher salt

Black pepper

Preheat a large non-stick pan over medium-low heat.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and a splash of water together until they’re very well blended (you don’t want to see large areas of egg whites or yolks separated). Set them aside.

Add the butter to the pan and once the butter melts completely and starts to sizzle a little bit, pour in the beaten eggs into the center of the pan. This lets the butter get pushed outward to the edges of the pan and allows the eggs to practically sit in a pool of butter. This is a good thing.

Turn the heat down to low. Let the egg’s edges set slightly, and using a spatula or wooden spoon, push the eggs from the outside in occasionally, allowing them to set again before stirring. You don’t want to flip the eggs over here, you’re just pushing and folding them over each other until they’re barely set.

Large folds of eggs are going to be ideal since they’ll be nice, creamy, tender, and fluffy. The more you move them, the smaller your scrambled eggs will be. Don’t make pebble looking scrambled eggs. Please.

Once the eggs are set with a little bit of runny-ness to them, immediately remove them from the heat. Carryover cooking will finish setting the eggs. Season with kosher salt and black pepper, then serve with your favorite breakfast foods, on a sandwich, or in a rice bowl.

Bacon Roasted Breakfast Potatoes

Serves: 4

Cook time: 35-45 minutes

1 bag golden creamer potatoes, halved

1 large yellow onion, diced

1/4 cup bacon fat

Kosher salt

Black pepper

Preheat oven to 425ºF and place a large cast iron skillet or sheet pan in the oven to preheat.

In a large mixing bowl, toss the halved potatoes, diced onion, and bacon fat. Liberally season with kosher salt and black pepper, making sure that all of the potatoes are evenly coated. Add more fat and adjust seasoning as needed.

Once the oven is preheated, add the seasoned potatoes to the cast iron skillet or sheet pan. They should sizzle immediately. Ensure that they’re all spread out in an even layer to get a nice crust on the potatoes. Roast until the potatoes are fork-tender and crisp around the edges along with being a beautiful golden brown in color. Serve with the soft scrambled eggs.

¡Buen provecho!